Saturday 24 May 2014

Holy Cow! I have reasons to respect cow.

Holy Cow!
Is it a Swear word...? I don't know!

Many people in India, are worshiping Cow. They call it "Mother Cow" or "Holy Cow" and performs unbelievable rituals to express their respect to this animal (even some won't like to call it Animal) which is hard to accept logically sometimes because even after huge respect and worships, some cows on streets of India are living so poorly that you don't want any animal to see, living like that. :(

Many religions, cultures are teaching to thank God for the food that people are fortunate enough to get everyday. As we all know that some people in the world, including innocent Children, are still starving or struggling to get enough. And the world is boasting about 21st century and the progress that Man has made today. Irony!

If what I know and understand about history and geography of India, I'll thank Cows for the milk that if not consumed by children of this country, the problems of Malnutrition or any other issues that begin first with Hunger, would double up, not yearly but daily. And the wise man must know these issues leads mankind to destruction. Begging, stealing, corruption (due to need), hate and anger among people are some of the results have begun from hunger in first place. No doubt that the world is trying to resolve these issues in best possible way. or at least I believe that they are trying honestly. I hope. Until we get there, let's thank Cows (at least mothers who have seen their children crying for food would understand this well or those mothers who cannot feed their children very well) 

Some don't like the idea to worshiping animals or giving them title like Gods and Goddesses for which India is known for. I agree but what about Respecting Animals in general? The whole world now-a-days protesting against hunting animals for greedy purposes. i.e. Whales, Lions and many others we might not aware of yet. This mean that we are quite sensitive and sensible about importance of life. so what's wrong in respecting and protecting cows?

I studied bit of science and learnt about "Food Chains" so there is no argument against killing one for the one's survival. If that's the only source of your survival, you better eat whatever you find.

I'm born in the region-Kutch where most of the people are relying upon cattle, mainly Cows & Buffaloes. I have spent enough time with these cattle herders that now I better understands why many people are worshiping Cows and some other animals, especially in India.

I think Cow is one of the great contributor for the balance of Eco-system. It not only provides milk and meat but it's poo is organic fertilizer that adds/balances the harm that some non-organic fertilizers have done and poisoned the Earth.
The whole world, all of sudden becoming aware of it and support anything that is Organic which is great but hold on... if we are really aware of it and really don't want our children to consume those poisonous food, shouldn't we let those herders freely roam, leave enough grassland on earth for those animals, birds, insects, all those creatures who are living the way Nature has made them to live, for them it could be act of survival but for us *(humans) they are restoring balance. Does it make sense?

I think I am criticizing deforestation, over-industrialization that has made difficult for them who are completely relying upon Nature. i.e. cattle herders.

I'm trying to stress on small and simple truth that  if you cannot act wisely to restore balance, you better respect those who directly or indirectly doing it. i.e. Cow. I respect!

Imagine if there were no cows in the country, (in which 1.2 billion people lives) where people throw leftover food, vegetables anywhere on streets,  would become stinkiest place on earth.

Oh yes, the ideal solution would be to have Recycling and Waste management System to deal with these situations. Something which I have seen in UK and highly appreciates. I wish we had those standard system too.
Ironically developed countries are good at criticizing undeveloped or developing countries for such issues while they ignores their silence towards the major war acts, over industrialization, manufacturing weapons, etc which ultimately result in mass destruction and imbalances the Natural Balance, hundred times faster than those developing countries. anyway it's not blame game, it's just understanding the causes and try to resolve them. If we cannot, at least we don't call, worshiping/respecting cows, stupid or strange.

I have blamed local council and local residents (including myself) but now I think before we develop waste management system everywhere in this country, after knowing the data of educations, poverty, corruptions and most of all struggle for the basic need of mankind, we must not ignore the importance of street cows, for a while.
However I am failed to create awareness within my neighborhood to stop throwing plastic bags that these cows would eat and eventually die. How could we possibly make 1.2 Billion people aware of this?
Again if you cannot act wisely to restore balance, you better respect those who directly or indirectly doing it. i.e. Cow. I respect!

It might be weird way to express my concern, share my thoughts with you but I hope you would get the point. And I'm sorry if any of my words, examples or anything in this article have made you uncomfortable, I express my apology!
At the end it's like "If you know the importance of a Tree, you would not cut" In the same way "If you know the importance of an Animal (cow for example) you wouldn't kill it or find it funny or strange if some highly respects"

"Start today, tomorrow we may not have planet left to save"
Kuldip Gadhvi